Dienstag, 3. März 2020

ÜÇGE Chairman of the Board Gökçin Aras met with the youth at their 15th event this year at the Industrial Engineering and Industry Summit (EMSAZ'20), organized by the Uludağ University Industrial Engineering Society.

On the first day of the summit, the presentation of Mr. Aras as a speaker took a lot of attention and interest by the audience, where the names of future industry engineers and industry leading companies came together with the theme of "Game Changers". He stated that “You, as young people of today, have the capacity to do what I do. The important thing is to plan life with a creative perspective, an accurate planning and an entrepreneurial spirit going over the taught fears and drawn patterns. ” Mr. Aras underlined the most important steps to be taken in order to be successful in life.

After his speech, Mr. Aras came together with the youth and a plaque of appreciation was presented by Ecem Yüce, who is a member of the Board of Industrial Engineers.